
Showing posts from January 27, 2018


Clare Museum - Ennis, Co Clare, Ireland

Visit the  Riches of Clare exhibition that features 6,000 years of Clare's history.  The exhibition is displayed using the themes of Earth,, Power, Faith, Water and Energy and includes a large number of Archaeological  and Folklife objects from the National Museum of Ireland, colourful text panels and computer interactives. Clare Museum Arthur's Row, Ennis Co Clare Tel:   065 6823382 Web:

Burlington House - Oxford, UK

Burlington House * * * * * 374 Banbury Road, Oxford  OX2 7PP Tel:   01865 513573 Email: Web:

Artist Residence Oxfordshire - South Leigh, UK

Artist Residence Oxfordshire Station Road , South Leigh, Witney, Oxon OX28 6KN Tel:  01993 656220 Email: Web:

Oxford Spires Hotel - Oxford , UK

Oxford Spires Hotel * * * * Abingdon Rd, Oxford  OX1 4PS Tel:   01865 324324 Web:

The Oxford Belfry - Thame, UK

The Oxford Belfry * * * * Milton Common, nr Thame, Oxon OX9 2JW Tel:   01844 279381 Email: Web:,uk

Old Swan and Minster Mill - Witney, UK

Old Swan & Minister , Minister Lovell, Oxfordshire Cotswold  OX29 QRN Tel:   01993 774441 Email: Web:

The Old Parsonage Hotel - Oxford, UK

The Old Parsonage Hotel * *  * * 36 St Giles , Oxford  OX1 3LD Tel:    01865 310210 Email: Web:

Old Bank Hotel - Oxford, UK

Old Bank Hotel * * * * * 92-94 High Street, Oxford  OX1 4BJ Tel:   01865 799599 Email: Web:

Mercure Eastgate Townhouse - Oxford, UK

Mercure Eastgate Townhouse  ** * * 73 High Street, Oxford  OX1 4BE Tel:    01865 248332 Email: Web:

The Manor Country House Hotel - Weston-on-Green, UK

The Manor Country House Hotel * * * * Northampton Road, Weston-on-Green, Oxon OX25  2QL Tel:   01869 268400 Email: Web:

Tiicho's - Villaggio Albergo - Castellaneta, Italy

Ticho's - Villaggio Albergo  * * * * Lungomare Eroi Del Mare  174 Loc  Marina di Castellaneta Castellaneta  74011 Tel:   099 8431032 Fax:  099 8430815 Email: Web:

Masseria Quis ut Deus - Crispano, Italy

Masseria Quis ut Deus * * * * S.P. KM 10-750 Crispano  74012 Tel:   099 8110116 Fax:  099 8110116 Cell:  345 3689241 Email: Web:

Torreserena Village - Ginosa, Italy

Torreserena Village  * * * * Localita' Torre Mattone Loc Ginosa Marina Ginosa  74025 Tel:   099 82789 Fax:  099 8278600 Email: Web:

La Salina - Mini Area Di Sosta - Manduria, Italy

La Salina - Mini Area Di Sosta * Contrada Specchiarica Manduria  74024 Tel:   339 3881213 Email: Web:

B&B Martina Barocca - Martina Franca, Italy

B&B Martina Barocca Trada Madonna Del Rosario Zona 1  126 Martina Franca  74015 Tel:   080 4306551

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