
Showing posts from February 29, 2008



"RICE Rice is very good for our health. Many countries in the world make use of rice. You can make use of rice in sweet or savoury recipes. My favourite sweet rice recipe is. RICE PUDDING 50 gr long-grain rice 600 ml milk can use skimmed 25 gm sugar 25 gm butter 2 tbs single cream pinch of nutmeg Method: Melt the butter in a pot. Then put the rice, milk and sugar in the pot stir with a wooden spoon . Cover and let simmer. When rice is cooked add the cream and nutmeg. Serves 3 0r 4. ----- CentreTravel " "ROSS Ross hija tajba ħafna għas-saħħa tagħna. Ħafna pajjiżi fid-dinja jagħmlu użu ta 'ross. Inti tista 'tagħmel użu ta' ross fir-riċetti ħelu jew melħin. favorit tiegħi riċetta ross ħelu hu. ROSS Timoleague 50 gr ross long-grain 600 ml ħalib jistgħu jużaw xkumat 25 zokkor gm 25 butir gm 2 TBS krema wieħed niskata noċemuskata Metodu: Dewweb il-butir fi pot. Imbagħad tpoġġi l-ross, ħalib u zokkor


"SLEEP As you all know, whether we are young or old, at the end of the day we all want to sleep. There are three ways to sleep. The first is when we put our head on the pillow and just fall easy and calmly asleep. The second is when the sleep relaxes your tired body and nerves. And the last that after your sleep you wake up feeling well and in good spirits. ----- CentreTravel " "RIEQED As you know kollha, kemm jekk aħna żgħażagħ jew anzjani, fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata aħna kollha jridu jorqdu. Hemm tliet modi biex torqod. L-ewwel huwa meta nitfgħu ras tagħna fuq l-investi u biss jaqgħu faċli u bil-kalma rieqda. It-tieni huwa meta l-irqad tnaqqas ġisem għajjien tiegħek u n-nervituri. U l-aħħar li wara l-irqad tiegħek tqum tħossok tajjeb u fl-ispirti tajbin. ----- CentreTravel " "SCHLAFEN Wie Sie alle wissen, ob wir jung oder alt sind, am Ende des Tages alles, was wir schlafen woll


"Blushing WHY WE BLUSH? When we blush, we become red in the face. After many years of research, they found out that we tend to blush, when we are shy, or when we feel guilty of something we have made. That is why we than become the centre of attention. Most young people blush, when they are at an age of knowing right from wrong. In Victorian times, as a sign of innocence, women were expected to blush. Believe it not anymore nowadays. ----- CentreTravel " "blushing GħALIEX WE Blush? Meta aħna blush, insiru aħmar fil-wiċċ. Wara ħafna snin ta 'riċerka, sabu li għandna t-tendenza li blush, meta ninsabu jitmeżmżu, jew meta aħna iħossuhom ħatja ta 'xi ħaġa li għamilna. Dan hu għaliex għandna milli jsiru l-ċentru ta 'attenzjoni. Ħafna żgħażagħ blush, meta jkunu f'età li wieħed ikun jaf dritt mill żbaljat. Fi żminijiet Victoria, bħala sinjal ta 'innoċenza, in-nisa kienu mistennija li blush. Jemmnu mhux ak

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